
Darwin Aritonang

Darwin Aritonang had been practicing as a legal attorney and advocate, since his graduation in 1992 from the Faculty of Law at Padjadjaran University, Bandung. Over the past 17 years, Darwin Aritonang has worked in various renowned law offices, including Bob P. Nainggolan, S.H., Advocate & Attorney in Bandung (1993-1996), Kusnandar & Co., Advocates & Legal Consultants, Patent & Trademark Attorneys in Jakarta (1996-2000), Law Firm Hotman Paris & Partners in Jakarta (2000-2001), Lubis, Santosa, Maulana Law Offices in Jakarta (2001-2005), and Law Office of Gani Djemat & Partners Advocates & Solicitors in Jakarta as the Head of the Litigation Division at the (2005-2009).


Backed by a Master’s Degree in law, which was also obtained from Padjajaran University, Bandung and his vast work experience, Darwin Aritonang has won the trust and confidence of the public for his expertise and success in handling litigation cases in various fields including the Media, Commercial Law, Bankruptcy Law, Civil Law, Manpower, Antitrust, Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI), Family Law and Criminal Law.

Darwin Aritonang has also handled several highly publicized litigation cases including representing Tempo Magazine in the case of Tommy Winata (Indonesian business man) vs. Tempo Magazine; representing The New York Times Company in case of the New York Times Company vs. PT. Newmont Minahasa Raya; representing Time Inc. Asia cs. in the case of Time Inc. Asia cs. vs. H.M. Soeharto, wherein Darwin Aritonang represented 23 international and 2 local media companies together with the Indonesian Journalist Association (AJI) and the Press Board submitted a Brief of Amici Curiae in Support of Petition For Review (Ad Informandum Petition) in the Judicial Review filed by Time Inc. Asia; representing Tempo in the lawsuit of Sukanto Tanoto (Indonesian business man) vs. Tempo; representing Anand Krishna in the criminal case of Anand Krishna vs. Tara Pradipta Laksmi; representing Ir. Basuki TjahajaPurnama (Ahok) in the criminal case of Ir. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) vs. Habib Novel Chaidir Hasan.

Darwin Aritonang was a member of a Task Force in handling case of Indonesian Citizen/Indonesian Migrant Workers abroad in Endangered Death Penalty (Satuan Tugas Penanganan Kasus Warga Negara Indonesia/Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Luar Negeri yang Terancam Hukuman Mati) pursuant to President Degree No. 8 Year 2012. As a member of Task Force, Darwin Aritonang has assisted the government of Indonesia to save Migrant Workers outside Indonesia from Dead Penalty in following countries : Jeddah, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), Doha (Qatar), Dubai, Abu Dhabi (Uni Emirat Arab), Hongkong, Macau, Shanghai, Guangdong and Beijing (RRT), Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kinabalu, Kuching (Malaysia) and Singapore.

Darwin Aritonang also has a license in Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Consultant including protection of copyright, trademark, patent, industrial design and layout designs of integrated circuits.

Besides as an Advocate, an IPR attorney and a Patent Consultant, Darwin Aritonang is also a Receiver and an Administrator where he was involved as the Administrator of PT. Davomas Abadi, Tbk, PT. Lautan Emas Mulia, PT. Samwoo Indonesia, PT. Exist Assetindo, Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Multi Niaga dan Ir. H. Mubyl Handaling, and PT. Karya Bina Bersama and he is also as the Receiver of PT. Samwoo Indonesia, PT. Karya Bina Bersama, Ir. H. Mubyl Handaling.

In carrying out his profession as a Legal Attorney, an Advocate, an IPR Attorney, a Patent Consultant, a Receiver and an Administrator, Darwin Aritonang will always respect the trust and confidence entrusted by his clients and work with a high standard of professionalism in accordance with the Law and relevant Code of Ethics.

As a holder of professional licences such as an Advocate, an Intellectual Property Rights, a Patent Consultant, a Receiver and an Administrator, Darwin Aritonang still has time for professional organizations in which he is a Chairman of The Supervisory Committee in Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI-RBA), Vice Chairman of Indonesian Bar Association Officium Nobile (AAI – ON),member of The Advisory Board of Indonesian Receivers and Administrator Association (AKPI), member of Indonesian Intellectual Property Attorneys Association (AKHKI), member of Asian Patent Attorneys Associaton (APAA) and also a member of International Trademark Association (INTA).

Darwin Aritonang speaks English and Bahasa Indonesia.

The following is a completed Curriculum Vitae of Mr. Darwin Aritonang :

1994-1996       Law Office Bob P. Nainggolan, S.H., Advocate & Attorney (Bandung)
1996-2000       Kusnandar & Co., Advocates & Legal Consultants, Patent &  Trademark Attorneys (Jakarta)
2000-2001       Law Firm Hotman Paris & Partners (Jakarta)
2001-2005       Lubis, Santosa, Maulana Law Offices (Jakarta)
2005-2009       Law Firm Gani Djemat & Partners (Jakarta)

2009-Present   Managing Partner Kantor Advokat & Konsultan Hukum DARWIN ARITONANG & PARTNERS (Jakarta)

Advocate in Indonesian Bar Association (AAI)
Advocate in PERADI RBA
IPR Consultant
Receivers and Administrators
Member of Indonesia Advocates Association of Indonesian Advocates Association Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia (PERADI) RBA
Member of Indonesian Bar Association/Asosiasi Advokat Indonesia (AAI)
Member of ASSOCIATION OF Intellectual Property Rights Consultant/Himpunan Konsultan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKHKI)
Member of International Trademark Association (INTA)
Member of Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA)

Member of Indonesian Association for Receivers and Administrators/Asosiasi Kurator dan Pengurus Indonesia (AKPI)


2010-2015       Vice of Secretary General of PERADI Central Jakarta Region
2015-2020       Vice of Chairman

2020-2025       Chairman of The Supervisory Commision

2005-2010      Vice of Secretary General of Central Jakarta Region
2010-2015      Vice of Chairman
2015-2020      Vice of Chairman

2022-2027      Vice of Chairman

2000-2003      Vice of Secretary General
2016-2019      Member of Honorary Board
2019-2022      Member of Advisory Board

2022-2025      Ad hoc member of Honorary Board

Date Experience
2009 Speaker on Dispute Resolution on Mass Media Case on Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
2010 Speaker on Dispute Resolution on Mass Media Case on Bidakara Building, Jakarta, by LBH Pers
2010 – 2015 Lecturer of Civil Procedural Law on PKPA, by cooperation on PERADI of Central Jakarta and Universitas Trisakti
30th August 2016 Speaker on Seminar on Court Hearing Evaluation: What Should Have Been and What Actually Happened, by Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
17th March 2017 Speaker on Seminar on How to Prepare Rebuttal on Public Court, by Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
7th October 2018 Lecturer of Civil Procedural Law and Commercial Court on PKPA, by cooperation of PERADI Rumah Bersama and Universitas Palembang
8th December 2018 Lecturer of Civil Procedural Law on PKPA, by cooperation of PERADI of North Jakarta and Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
20th April 2019 Lecturer of Civil Procedural Law on PKPA, by cooperation of PERADI Rumah Bersama and Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
25th April 2019 Speaker on Seminar and Talkshow with Alumni : on “How To Be”, by Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
7th July 2019 Lecturer of Civil Procedural Law on PKPA, by cooperation of AAI North Jakarta and Universitas Jakarta
23rd July 2019 Speaker on Certification (SPR-328) Banknotes Features, Counterfeit, and Legal Aspect : Communication Skills in front of Law Enforcers Apparatus, by Bank Indonesia Institute
24th September ’19 Speaker on Certification (SPR-328) Banknotes Features, Counterfeit, and Legal Aspect : Communication Skills in front of Law Enforcers Apparatus, by Bank Indonesia Institute
3rd March 2020 Speaker on Certification (SPR-1201) Banknotes Feature, Counterfeit and Legal Aspect : Communication Skills in front of Law Enforcers Apparatus, by Bank Indonesia Institute

  1. Founder Kantor Advokat & Konsultan Hukum DARWIN ARITONANG & PARTNERS
  2. Member of a Task Force in handling case of Indonesian Citizen/Indonesian Migrant Workers abroad in Endangered Death Penalty (Satuan Tugas Penanganan Kasus Warga Negara Indonesia/Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Luar Negeri yang Terancam Hukuman Mati) pursuant to President Degree No. 8 Year 2012. As a member of Task Force, Darwin Aritonang has assist the government of Indonesia to save Migrant Workers outside Indonesia from Dead Penalty in following countries : Jeddah, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), Doha (Qatar), Dubai, Abu Dhabi (Uni Emirat Arab), Hongkong, Macau, Shanghai, Guangdong and Beijing (RRT), Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kinabalu, Kuching (Malaysia) and Singapore
  3. Since 2009, Darwin Aritonang is a Speaker on many law business Seminar.
  4. Since 2016, Darwin Aritonang has been a non-permanent lecturer at Tujuh Belas Agustus’45 University of Private Procedural Law, Private Justice Practice, Company & Bankruptcy Law, and The Introduction of Indonesian Law.

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Office Address

Jln. Pramuka Raya No. 185
Jakarta Pusat 10570


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Phone: +6221-428-780-78 (HUNTING)
Mobile: +628-186-912-39

Office Hour

Monday-Friday 08.30 am - 05.00 pm

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